Walt Disney. A Nazi?


Earlier tonight some of us spoke a bit on this subject. I'm quite sure that this is not the case as Disney
did many anti-nazi videos. I have spent about an hour browsing the web about some info and all i can
find is this but that realy doesn't say anything about it.

Does anyone here know something that may be important on this subject?


Active Member
Earlier tonight some of us spoke a bit on this subject. I'm quite sure that this is not the case as Disney
did many anti-nazi videos. I have spent about an hour browsing the web about some info and all i can
find is this but that realy doesn't say anything about it.

Does anyone here know something that may be important on this subject?

There's been plenty of rumours circulating about for years that he was anti-semitic, although obviously that's not the same as being a Nazi. It's not beyond the realms of possibility, as anti-semitism has, unfortunately, been very prominent throughout human history, however I've never actually seen any evidence he had Nazi sympathies.

You can always check Snopes for all your Walt Disney rumour needs :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
All I could really find that was of any value to this discussion was this.
If there was any solid proof, the Disney Corp has done a fairly good job of getting rid of it :p
Have heard of the mysterious deleted scenes mentioned in this article for years. And would have loved a chance to actually see them for myself. But have never managed to get a hold of them. Have only found fakes on the web.
So unless anyone can can find them, we may perhaps remain one step behind on finding things out that could support this theory :p
And yes. There is a book about it. But anyone can write a book about anything ;)


the Disney Corp has done a fairly good job of getting rid of it :p

Going off subject a bit, but referring to corporations covering up associations with the Nazi's, this is quite interesting. Well covered up isn't entirely correct, but it's not advertised either. Coca Cola was widely produced in early Nazi Germany with adverts for it appearing in the Hitler Youth handbook (you won't find any of these in coke's own museum in the US). By 1941 the ingredients for coke in Germany were increasingly hard to get hold of, so the head of the company in Germany decided to create a new soft drink from ingredients readily available in country. The name of this new drink... Fanta.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I find it laughable that people still worry about who might have had Nazi sympathies over 60 years later. I.e. this story was a big deal, somehow, last year.

The real answer: An awful lot of people, until Hitler decided to kick off and throw the toys out of the pram in eastern Europe.


No one is worried about that stuff but some of us do think that politics and history is something that is fun and atleast I get a kick
from knowing stuff even if it is that some realy old dude was a nazi.

Lets say that Disney was an outspoken nazi. How did his company gain that amount of good reputation when his country at that moment
was at war with them? If that is a question worth asking then this aint a question for and about the past as Disney is still a huge company.

One of my teachers said something like this "Know your history and you will see why things are as they are today" and I also stand by that quote.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
No one is worried about that stuff but some of us do think that politics and history is something that is fun and atleast I get a kick
from knowing stuff even if it is that some realy old dude was a nazi.

One of my teachers said something like this "Know your history and you will see why things are as they are today" and I also stand by that quote.

I quite agree. Sorry if my post appeared to be personally targeted at you, having re read it, that seems to be the way that it comes across, but is actually just awful phrasing on my part. It was actually targeted at idiots like the ones in my link, who, sadly, still exist.

Here's a quick question though: Where did all the Nazi's scientists go after the war...?

(Hint: I know the answer).


Active Member
I quite agree. Sorry if my post appeared to be personally targeted at you, having re read it, that seems to be the way that it comes across, but is actually just awful phrasing on my part. It was actually targeted at idiots like the ones in my link, who, sadly, still exist.

Here's a quick question though: Where did all the Nazi's scientists go after the war...?

(Hint: I know the answer).


"Guenter Wendt, I wonder where Guenter Wendt..."


New Member
You say NASA but its more like 60/40 NASA/USSR. Nazi science was pretty advanced. On an affiliation note, lots of people supported him before the war in most countries. He was the right wing poster boy. You can imagine the Daily Mail would have loved him, but maybe they did... dun dun dun.


New Member
Were you also aware that until 2000, male Disney employees were forbidden to have facial hair even though Walt himself had a pencil moustache?

I am unsure as to whether this also applied to female staff.