WAR doesn't like gold sellers either

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, good news, actually. Apparently, WAR is happy to ban gold sellers immediately, public execution stylee (link to: Eurogamer).

Eurogamer said:
Jacobs revealed that Mythic's "zero tolertance policy" had resulted in the bannings of roughly 400 gold sellers by Saturday night, just two days into the game's life. "We don’t wait and let them stay in the game and ban them en-masse, my guys ban their useless, time-consuming butts right away," he said.

Good. I report every gold spammer I see but I'm pleased to report I've not even seen a single one so far, in WAR, where in WoW I felt like I was inundated with them every time I entered a city.

I guess the only concern would be if the policy accidentally catches innocents or is used maliciously by players against other players (e.g. reporting someone without cause just to get them insta-banned).


Junior Administrator
Good to hear, it is a risk to lose the odd innocent and although it'd suck to have to wait for a GM to come save your ass. I'd rather the odd innocent get shitted on and for there to be little to no gold selling tbh. Put the fear of the GM into the cheating bastards makes the game better for everyone in the long run.


Junior Administrator
Good to hear, it is a risk to lose the odd innocent and although it'd suck to have to wait for a GM to come save your ass. I'd rather the odd innocent get shitted on and for there to be little to no gold selling tbh. Put the fear of the GM into the cheating bastards makes the game better for everyone in the long run.

Yep. Totally agree.

tbh if someone isn't a gold seller but is acting like one it serves them right anyway. The mere fact that 400 accounts have been banned within 2 days of the game's release speaks volumes though - these people will go to great lengths to try and get your cash.

In WoW, becuase Blizzard take a much softer approach most players now use a mod called "SpamMeNot" which does exactly what it says on the tin. It uses some algorithm or something to detect if a message is gold seller spam or not and if it is, it automatically blocks it, notifies me, and then automatically reports the offender too. If somehow it does become a problem in WAR there is no reason why something like this could not also be used.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant news!

I havent had a gold seller approach me yet, but I did get a whisper yesterday about a powerlevelling service, which I promptly reported.
There isnt really the same trade channel problems in WAR as there are in WoW though, I havent even seen anyone using the trade channel yet tbh. That in itself will cut down the spam I guess...