Warhammer Online release delayed

Ronin Storm

Staff member
For anyone waiting on the Games Workshop themed Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, it has been delayed 'til autumn 2008 (source: Eurogamer). The second delay, I believe, as it was originally due to be out Q1 this year, then delayed 'til Q2, now Q3...

Anyone waiting on this?


I knew it, its gunna be delayed again then people will give up on it!.....again...>_>


Junior Administrator
there has been alot of promise for this game.

I am hoping that it delivers.


The further they delay it, the more they hurt their chances of it making any money because they will be getting closer to when the WoW expansion Wrath of the Lich King is released...


This game looks good, tho im not a great fan of MMO's the warhammer series i like specially DoW
But i think i'll wait till they release the 40K MMO and i might try that out
Im sure theyve mentioned makine the 40K into an MMO too..


In Cryo Sleep
Nobody knows when Wrath will be released. I'm sure Blizzard have an internal target date of sorts, but they're not telling anyone, and if it's not met it'll be pushed back. Any published dates so far are speculation. Remember, it's not even in beta yet.