Warming up.



Global warming?
50 years will we all be swimming or just a bunch of lies?:S


Junior Administrator
If you live on teh South coast it's a possibility!

O wait... Damn. I live on the south coast...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Swimming? Maybe, but only if you live on the coast. Inland, you're probably living in an arid wasteland.

Personally, I found articles such as this (link to Union of Concerned Scientists) rather compelling. Also note the attached PDF documents on the alleged evils of ExxonMobil and the US Government.

In short, that document claims that the only reason we think there's any doubt is because we've been repeatedly, wilfully and maliciously lied to for over a decade and this confusion has lead to procrastination and ever increasing damage.

If you ask me, I don't think there is any doubt that we're warming up and that the crap we're throwing into our air and water is directly responsible. I'm not clear whether other factors are involved as well but poisoning our air and water can only lead to poisoning ourselves and that's clearly not a good thing[sup](tm)[/sup].


Well-Known Member
I'm leaning more in the direction of the next iceage :).

EDIT: Oh how nice it would be to finally have snow on Xmas day in Britain for once, atleast snow that isn't brown/black from car fumes. I can't remember the last time it snowed on Xmas day, and not in Feb.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
PsiSoldier28 said:
Oh how nice it would be to finally have snow on Xmas day in Britain for once

It used to snow over Christmas, about twenty years ago. I remember a run of white Christmas days, with inches of beautiful clean snow. Now it snows in March...


New Member
I'm more of the opinion that its a naturally occuring thing that has been whipped up into a frenzy of panic by various governments. I think that it is a good idea to cut carbon emissions, but only if there is a way of doing it that doesn't impede human progress. I can't remember the figures, but anyone who was watching Channel 4's documentary about how it was all a load of rubbish said that we pump very little CO2 into the atmosphere in comparison to the sun, the sea and sheep. Also, they proved that CO2 levels don't affect climate temperature, but in fact temperature affects CO2 levels.

Also, most of the scientists that appeared on the show have been accused by environmentalists of being on the payroll of major oil companies. Alas, they had no evidence to back this accusation up...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Take a read of the ExxonMobil PDF linked off the link I posted. That contains more hard facts, though I admit I haven't taken the time to verify them.


New Member
Absolutely. If I was the CEO of ExxonMobil i'd do exactly the same thing. But this report only says that they fund skeptic groups, not individual scientists. These scientists that are against the theory of global warming aren't just ordinary scientists. They are at the top of thei game, so to speak.

Another interesting fact that C4 pointed out with their documentary. All of the simulations that global warming experts have carried out to show what could happen to the planet if we continue to emit large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere have been based on a 1% annual increase on CO2 emissions, whereas the highest annual increase that has ever occured was something like a 0.4% increase. In my eyes, the scientists carrying out these simulations are either basing their estimates on wildly inaccurate figures, or they are deliberately manipulating their simulations to say what they want them to say. In total, mankind's impact on the greenhouse effect is just 0.28%. Hardly devastating.

My Geography teacher (a reliable source of information I assure you!) also reckons that there is more chance of our (Britain's) climate actually getting colder, as the North Atlantic drift seems to be slowing somewhat...

Either way, I have no doubt that mankind is strong enough and intelligent enough to live through whatever 'disasters' the doombringers forecast.


In Cryo Sleep
I think global warming is a real and serious problem. The scientifical evidence is overwhelming and the consensus carried by scientists is broad. A swindle wouldn't make sense - who's interest would that be in?

For starters, have a look at the IPCC fourth assessment report: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPCC_Fourth_Assessment_Report_(2007)
It's authored by over 600 scientists. The conclusions are:
"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal"
"Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations."
Even local cooling would be a problem, heating costs would rise and crop growth would slow, and climate extremes in general will increase.

In general i think any climate change is bad, because it requires adaptations.


New Member
In general i think any climate change is bad, because it requires adaptations.

An interesting point. I both agree and disagree. I agree in the sense that sudden change would catch us off-guard and has the potential to wipe out most of civilisation. I disagree in the sense that nature needs change to evolve. If there was no change in climate, then we would all be living in much hotter, much more tropical conditions.


Also, most of the scientists that appeared on the show have been accused by environmentalists of being on the payroll of major oil companies. Alas, they had no evidence to back this accusation up...

They never do....


In Cryo Sleep
I think I agree with RS on this one - you can say all you want that the greenhouse effect is a natural occurence and humans have naught to do with it, but chucking out billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere has to have some kind of effect.

But it doesn't matter anyway, nuh uh, because crude oil's gunna run out in the next century or two, gas sooner and I can't see us using coal powered motorcars unless things get real desperate. Bring on the Nuclear Nissans is what I say.


In Cryo Sleep
There's a simply reason why there are a lot of scientists involved in the great global warming scam - money.

All scientists rely on Government funding, and how better to get it than to invent something like global warming. All you have to do is pur forward a research proposal with global warming involved and you're guaranteed the money. Once the politicians got involved it lost all semblance of reality.

You only have to look at how much research is taking place to disprove global warming - none at all. Try to go against the flow and you get branded a heretic.

At the end of the day it's a great way to stop the Third World from developing and creating a great market for solar panels and wind turbines.


New Member
At the end of the day it's a great way to stop the Third World from developing and creating a great market for solar panels and wind turbines.

Bingo. Hit the nail on the head there Buffalo. By suppressing the Third World's growth, the G8 keep control of the global market. Look at the best economies in the world: the US (becoming more environmentalist every day), the UK, Germany etc. etc. Ironically, it is those countries that fund most of the research into global warming.

Also, I find it very hypocritical the way that environmentalists disregard evidence raised by scientists who recieve funding from oil companies. ALL of their evidence comes from scientists funded by governments. Most of the unbiased scientists, who are in the payroll of neither governments or oil companies, say that global warming is NOT a threat. Just a coincidence?


In Cryo Sleep
I think I agree with RS on this one - you can say all you want that the greenhouse effect is a natural occurence and humans have naught to do with it, but chucking out billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere has to have some kind of effect.

But it doesn't matter anyway, nuh uh, because crude oil's gunna run out in the next century or two, gas sooner and I can't see us using coal powered motorcars unless things get real desperate. Bring on the Nuclear Nissans is what I say.

I agree the CO2 that we pump out must have an impact. However, the CO2 we're pumping out comes from coal, gas and oil. All of these hydrocarbons used to be animals and plantlife (and therefore part of the CO2 cycle before they got buried). That means that millions of years ago the Earth coped with more CO2 in its atmosphere.

I dont know who to believe, because there are well respected scientists and convincing arguments on both sides. But generally I dont see how it would be the 'end of the world' as we would just be reverting to a status the world has already experienced.


PS apologies to Piacular for yet another wikipedia link, but for general info and mostly non-biased articles it's pretty useful