warrior, pally, priest and warlock tier 5


Junior Administrator
O M F G.

I SOOOOOOOOO want that for my Warlock...

And about the Paladin... in the words of the almighty Guybrush Threepwood: "It's... pink."


Well-Known Member
That loladin one is soooo bad... I think only the Blood Elf females would be caught wearing that :P


New Member
Woah there cowboy... Did you say tier 5.
I havent completed my tier 0.5, or even upgraded past 3 parts on tier 1 yet.
How the hell are you supposed to get this kid of uber kit, without putting RL on total hold for another year?

Give me good quality single pieces any day. Trying to complete a whole set of gear is just too demanding on time and your resources. I would rather play for fun and hope for good loot, than devote my entire WoW time with only one objective.


Well-Known Member
Tier 0.5 is a bitch to get; the higher tiers are just a matter of lucky drops from bosses in a given instance, hardly that time-consuming...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Tier 0 and 0.5 are dungeon sets. 1 2 3 are raid sets and 4 and 5 will be in burning crusade.


In Cryo Sleep
Tier 0.5 is a bitch to get; the higher tiers are just a matter of lucky drops from bosses in a given instance, hardly that time-consuming...

They are time consuming for someone, in that you need to be in a fairly active raiding guild that is prepared to go into molten core.