Warrior Paths


In Cryo Sleep
Im facing a dilema in my warrior, my idea was always to be a tank and thats still a big goal but i could go about it two ways. One i dps through instances and get gear or i could go back to outland normals spec prot now and build up gear that way and roll on dps off spec ive already had one opinion which was to go back and go prot now, however i enjoy both dps and tank specs. What should i do ???:S:S:S


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Well, here's one data point.

All my characters have always been specced the way I've intended to play them.

I specced my priest holy when it was level 10 and I've never looked back. Yes, I did level up as a holy priest.

I specced my warrior protection when he was level 10, and he is now level 19. At two dings per instance run, fully rested, he'll get to 70 fast enough. :)

I specced my hunter beast master since he was level 10, and I've been very happy with it for solo play, which is all I ever intend to do with him.

So, if you intend to tank, go spec prot now. The faster you get the hang of your tanking abilities, the better you'll become. :)

But, like I said, this is just one data point...



New Member
I reemmebr speccing Holy Paladin at lvl 10-70 and would suggest to always concentrate on the specific spec you want whilst leveling up or gaining the armour for them. There are simple two reasons for this, you get first-hand experience at what you are doing and there is little dispute as to whom gains the gear when it does drop.


In Cryo Sleep
Conversely, with my Paladin I leveled from 10-62 as retri and then from 62-70 as holy DPS. I would say that I know my spec pretty well but obviously there was a learning curve. Tanking isn't difficult to get the hang of with a good group around you so if I were you I'd stay DPS until you've built up a full set of level 70 tanking gear.


At the moment i am ret and have been running raids and heroics as ret.... is it worth changing to holy now and then practicing in normal instances or carry on getting my gear together first?


In Cryo Sleep
well it appears i have both sides of the equation so ill think about it and thank you for your opinions:cool:


In Cryo Sleep
IMO its better to play the way you enjoy.
Like wiv me Pally i was a tank up to lvl 70 and then respeced to Holy after i left the game for a while. I enjoy being Holy and Tanking equally, so thx to raiding ive got a workable set of each and have respecced a few times to play either roll. I'd say stay as you are and build up a nice set of each - then decide what you enjoy more.