*Nanor puts on his science hat*
Scientists had a theory that the light from the sun made the world spin. They realised this was wrong because the suns light takes eight minutes to reach the Earth, making that theory void.
They came onto another theory this being that the sun is pushing down.. eh.. lemme simplify this:
Picture space being a matress. The sun in the middle, and the other planets dotted around outside it. The sun is pushing down in the matress, much like it is doing in space, without the matress... My words seem to be failing me at the moment, so all hail MS Paint:
Ok. You can see there the affect the sun has on the 'matress' in space. Now picture Earth and it's bizzitches hanging out around it. Now say God intended the planets to be bowling balls, and he rolled them into that warp and that is why they are spinning around the sun.
Feel free to ask any questions. I've no doubt explained that bad