We are getting to that stage...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Nah I thought you were more this.....

The Loot-Hogging Farmer
He will roll need on EVERYTHING, and is usually quoted with "I NEED OK?????" only for the offended party to see this exact same loot overpriced on the AH an hour later. Boot him and ask cross-faction over IRC or Vent for this player to be placed on KOS.

Haven said:
But I need that staff..... my mace(epic) isn't the only thing i use



Staff member
The Jackass The guy that complains about everything. He's usually a Warrior complaining that the Mage is "rolling on all the Cloth items" or a Rogue complaining when the Warlock doesn't rez him.

Five characters ...


Staff member
There's a minimum post length of five characters - cutting and pasting a quote doesn't count ... so I typed some crap just to let me post.


Well-Known Member
Cross-faction asking for KOS on ninja-looters (aka f***tards - excuse my french) is all well and good, but I prefer the simpler and more satisfying method; ticket a GM (yes, you are allowed to ticket them about ninja-looters, as it is classified as abusing teh game mechanics for personal profit, and I've reported people in the past; one serial looter I reported got banned, in fact, as my report was the last one needed to deem the player unworthy of staying on the game)


In Cryo Sleep
The Secret Agent
Periodically announces "BRB" and disappears for a few minutes at a time. Often makes up for his absence on his return by running headfirst into the next mob without warning the party, or rolling Need on the boss's Bind on Pickup loot.

This is me i think!!