Week-and-a-half-long absence


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Come Thursday, I will be gearing up to spend 10 days at a cousin's house up in the mountains. It shall be me, my wife and a few friends, and we shall be spending 9.5 days playing various RPGs, including D&D4 and Storming the Wizard's Tower.

I shall be back on or around the 9th, to tell you all what massive fun I had. :)



In Cryo Sleep
Have fun, mate!

Or, in typical WOW Official Forums fashion:
Can I has your gold? :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Well, right now, I have a Friday group that's doing 3.5 where I'm GMing, and a Sunday group that's doing 4E where I'm a player. I can tell you that 4E works like a charm on various levels, but that migrating from 3.5 to 4E is just not feasible. The paradigm is too different.

In the meantime, when I get back, I may have more for you. :)



In Cryo Sleep
This reminds me I still need to work out a new character's details for this week's session >.>


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)

I RETURN! Muwahahahaha! :)

In any case, the group that ended up going was smaller than we had figured, so we scrapped the whole DD4 plan. We played a PTA long season instead, and we learned Polaris and play-tested Storming the Wizard's Tower.
