Weekly maintenance, 27/10


Super Moderator
Staff member
Originally posted by Blizzard
This Wednesday all European realms will be offline from 05:00 until 11:00, Paris time.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • Mini patch released

Patch 4.0.1a Bug Fixes
  • The following issues have been addressed in the 4.0.1a minor patch.
  • Using a "/cast!<pet ability" command no longer disconnects players.
  • Mousing over objects that generate a cogwheel should no longer cause the client to freeze or disconnect.
  • Guild Tabards should no longer display on characters not actually wearing the Guild Tabard.
  • Floating combat text should always appear.
  • NPC Health Bars/Nameplates are now appearing correctly.


  • Mini patch released

Patch 4.0.1a Bug Fixes
  • The following issues have been addressed in the 4.0.1a minor patch.
  • Using a "/cast!<pet ability" command no longer disconnects players.
  • Mousing over objects that generate a cogwheel should no longer cause the client to freeze or disconnect.
  • Guild Tabards should no longer display on characters not actually wearing the Guild Tabard.
  • Floating combat text should always appear.
  • NPC Health Bars/Nameplates are now appearing correctly.

And they haven't fixed Malygos? FUCK YOU BLIZZARD!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
The one I am more concerned about that they haven't "seemed" to fix.... is the slow mounts from graveyards.....

Makes corpseruns ridiculous and people less likey to try to "progress".


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response]Weekly maintenance, 27/10

The one I am more concerned about that they haven't "seemed" to fix.... is the slow mounts from graveyards.....[snip]
With you on this one, Fury. Was hoping this would be fixed by now.
Ah well. Soulstone for ze healers, anyone? :p


Well-Known Member
Blizzard have hardly ever been comprehensive in their patch notes. There's a reason that the "Undocumented" notes that Wowwiki and other places have are often of more interest to me than the main patch notes themselves :p