Well, I was having this conversation...


Junior Administrator
... and then suddenly someone told me I'm going to be staying another four weeks in India. I return to the UK (triumphant one hopes) on Thursday 12th July. Prior to today my departure date was scheduled for the 16th of June (this coming Saturday)... so it's a bit weird to get used to.

Oh well, more sunshine and awesomeness for me. :)

I'll still be online occassionally, as ever, most probably haunting teamspeak (beware the system fan) and maybe playing some games?


Active Member
Wow...seems like they are trying to keep you there :p You might be told in four weeks time that you will be staying again for some time longer. This may be the last we see of you!


Staff member
Yay, glad you are having fun and seeing lots of new places. Enjoy your stay mate and drop in on teamspeak to say hello if you get the chance :)


Junior Administrator
Well, I was having another conversation today (I seem to have a lot of them) - the upshot of which is I'm staying here even longer. In fact, I'm staying until the 23/24th July. Which is amazing! :D And also completely unexpected, to tell you the truth.

So it's all good, except I'll be here for my birthday, so those wanting a celebratory drink will have to wait a wee while extra until I return. Which won't be too long after! :)

Anyway it's fantastic fun, I just had my first chinese meal for over two months and it was most excellent, as well as a few drinks (smirnoff really hits the spot) and was just the thing after finding out that I'd been granted yet another extension.

But fear not, I shall be returning this time, since my visa expires on 26th July :P

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Sounds like you're having a whale of a time so I hope you get to stay there for as long as it's fun! :)