[EVE] Wewt?

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
0.o Wierd being in this part of the forums ;)

Anyway. Just signed up a trial account and am waiting to download.

Got no idea what I'm going to be doing, how I'm doing to be doing, or who I'm going to be doing it with (YEAH!). Reminds me a lot of raiding. xD

Erm. Wewt. XD


Staff member
Be sure to get yourself applied to the corp when you can, and ask plenty of questions -- the first few weeks can be rather disorienting.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Welcome to EVE Online. :)

As D says, shout if you've got questions. Sometimes the learning curve can be quite steep.


Well-Known Member
Hey, the learning curve is NOWHERE near as steep as it used to be. I made my first character closing in on three years ago, and made my second one (the one I actually play) about three months ago, and they've made it SO much easier than it used to be.

That said, it IS still a find muck compared to some games...