What do people think bob needs installed


Junior Administrator
Having just had to replace my hdd I now have a clean vista install and need people to yell out things I need installed/what you have installed so that I'm as ready as I can be for i37.

I'll probably have most of it done but this allows me to create a list to check against and also might be a useful sticky for future reference.



Well-Known Member
Xfire, TS &/or Vent, AV of choice, media player of choice, latest drivers for graphics and sound, latest DX update, Steam, games of choice, drivers for mouse/kb if they need any. That's basically what I have installed just now :D


Staff member
CS:S, COD4, TF2, Spotify :)

Plus whatever other games you play a lot of. I'm contemplating sticking some BF2 onto my system for a bit of retro FPS action.


Ok, so here is what I usually go for, and therefore suggest:

  • Web browsers - The first thing I do when I reinstall is make sure I use IE for as short a time as possible.
  • Media playing - To ensure you can watch and listen to everything
    • Media Player Classic - This is my all time favourite media player. Simple, light, and it works.
    • VLC player - Is also pretty good, and will find codecs from the web automagically, I believe, whereas MPC will only use the ones on your local system.
    • Combined Community Codec Pack - A pack of lots of codecs so you don't have to go and get them all separately. Getting a little out of date now, so might be worth seeing what is included, and getting them individually, but still nice if you just want to get things up and running quickly.
    • Spotify - Great free database of loads of music to listen to, and only plays a couple of adverts. Allows you to make playlists on your account, which you can then get to from anywhere! A good call from Haven there!
  • Games - Of course...
    • Steam - Dur. Really you should just copy over your old Steam directory (if possible) and then reinstall over the top of it.
    • XFire - Chatty chatty.
    • TeamSpeak - Talky talky
    • Spelunky - Cos it's so much fun...
    • Games - Like BF2, and anything else that isn't on Steam. And make sure you get all the latest patches for them.
  • System stuff - Things that you should have as a general install on your system
    • Graphic card drivers - Up to date and not from Windows Update!
    • Windows Update - Ok, not something you should have ON your system, but something you should make sure you use until you have no more updates. Yay for security patches ¬_¬
    • Peer Guardian - Block known IPs of naughty people. Government agencies, universities, P2P, spammers, etc. Even blocks HTTP if need be! Watch out though, it will block the likes of Steam and things, but it tells you who it's block in a lovely list, and you can merely right click and say "ALLOW FOREVER!". Which is nice.
    • Anti-virus, firewall, spyware/adware removal - You should have it, but I really just don't any more. If you're going to a LAN though, really, you need to have SOMETHING installed...

I think that's what I usually go for to start with. Obviously as I play around with my PC more and more, I usually install more and more crap, I mean, STUFF.
