What do you get when you google your alias?


Active Member
I get the wikipedia page explaining "Wraiths". I do like this part of it:

Wikipedia said:
In European pagan beliefs, the wraith is seen as a spirit of vengeance. They are said to be ghostly figures with long, sharp fingers. Wraiths are considered rare amongst the spirit realm, for they consist of pure revenge; yet not all wraiths will be truly vengeful, in that some are merely enraged to the extent of destroying anything they encounter.

I also get several links for the film "The Wraith", details of Professor Wraith at Bristol Uni and an Everquest guild called the "Wraith and Reviviscence Alliance".

I'm not going to bother with the rest of the 2.89 million entries :rolleyes:

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I get my web sites and sites I've posted to. The web knows who the real Ronin Storm is. :)


New Member
Well, I'm an ethnic slur. lol.

In North Wales, the term is often used to refer to inhabitants of South Wales, probably due to the River Taff.

Bloody gogs :D

I'm also a type of salty 'candy', a town, a nursery rhyme, an author, a Member of the British Empire (MBE), a a children's boutique design. No-one said variety was a bad thing!


Junior Administrator
Well, I'm an ethnic slur. lol.

Bloody gogs :D

I'm also a type of salty 'candy', a town, a nursery rhyme, an author, a Member of the British Empire (MBE), a a children's boutique design. No-one said variety was a bad thing!

Talking of ethnic slurs...



Active Member
When i first coined "Haemogod" over 4-5 years ago for diablo 2 i googled it and got no hits, now when i google it all the hits are resulting from me, its truely unique :)


Staff member
It used to be only me. Now it's either a medical robot, a document handling program thingie, or me of course.


my first hit is from www.macca-central.com... A Paul McArtney site. i expect there to be 10's of 1000's of macca's out there, as basically it's just a short alians for anyone with the surnam beggining with mac or mc :).