What does TB stand for?


Junior Administrator
One terabyte is 1000 Gigabytes... whish is pretty damn hot! There was an article on Slashdot recently about some guy who has invented a 1.2 PETAByte hard drive... 1 PetaByte is 1000 Terabytes!!!


In Cryo Sleep
It's got little to do with the world of gaming, in fact, the current lines of 500GB drives as far as i'm aware are designed for online backup use rather than functioning as desktop drive, and have higher cost-per-gigabyte than smaller drives. Not sure what it means for reliability if you use them in a desktop, but performance won't be high, especially not compared to, say, a WD 150GB Raptor. Sure fits a nice movie collection, though.

Alienware are doing what they always do as high end, overpriced systems builder: Grabbing attention with ludicrous system specs.

Roninstorm, for harddrives a Terabyte is 1000^4, which is about 9% less than 1024^4 :)


In Cryo Sleep
For harddrives they do, and have for as long as i can remember.
They're not bound to powers of two like system memory is, or multiples of powers of two originally used to display file sizes and free space (originally computed by number of power-of-two-sized sectors, i think). In early, slow computers shifting bits left or right by 10 was a much faster operation than deviding or multiplying by 1000, too, and it stuck.

And i suppose your disks sell better. :)

There is an official distinction between TiB and TB (and KiB, KB, etc) but it's pretty new and i don't remember which is which, and i rarely see it used.

Fuzzy Bunny

I saw a Cisco server a year or two ago that had ninety terabytes of memory. Now they're probably making ones with two or three times that much.


Imagine how long it would take to search through the Disc to find something If you had all the Warez crap on it :P.