What to do when I hit 80


New Member
Hello peeps,

as I have noticed there are a shotload of dps in the guild and we have enough tanks but lack healyness.

I have to say my passion is in tanking but my internet connection is far from perfect so i will not trust me tanking (it falls away sometimes and when you are a tank all hope is lost).

So I have two options,
1 try tanking in the raids and check how it holds or
2 learn how to heal (im now quitely a puddle of >> shit << who is spamming nontheless).

So pls tell me in what role you rather have me in guild.

P.S. estimated to reach lvl 80 this week or at the start of next




In Cryo Sleep
You can play however you want to play :)

Aye, if you want to tank, tank, if you want to be just another of countless other retridins, go dps.

You could always try healing, tanking and dpsing at the same time, but that doesn't quite work out in raids anymore.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

According to guild core principle #3, we expect you to play the game the way you want to play it.

That said, if you're truly undecided, or if you're just particularly over-committed to help with the raiding, then yes, speccing healer would be a boon. :)

On the other hand, I hear that respecs are now a lot cheaper, when compared to the amount of money being lobbed around by your average level 80... :D So, you can always swing back and forth...

P.S. estimated to reach lvl 80 this week or at the start of next

That was fast. :) We're unlikely to instance together along the way, then, unless something weird and unexpected happens...



In Cryo Sleep
Nactall HEALER it doesnt really HEALER matter which you choose.
Zooggy HEALER is right with guild core HEALER principle 3, we want you HEALER to play the HEALER game how you wan to.

You feel free HEALER to spec how you HEALER want. You were always a good HEALER tank and im sure you still are.


Well-Known Member
Seriously guys, lay off... Zooggy got it spot on, and for me, when Nactall said:

I have to say my passion is in tanking

then that's the end of the conversation, full stop. If you enjoy healing too, then get a set of decent healing gear together, and wait for dual spec to be introduced in patch 3.1.


New Member
Il try tanking first then if it will be possible then il do that otherwise il try out healing (probably i will have 4 gear sets in no time anyway so i can fulfill any role)
thx for the advise lads,



In Cryo Sleep
Well, if you are unable to tank, healing might be a problem aswell :) And I belive it's easier to tank with small delay than heal with such [from my own expirience, tanked Naxx with 500ms XD No one noticed :)]


New Member
Well its more that my internet connection fails sometimes and i have a server timeout for 5-10 seconds and its bad when that happends with a healer but not deadly (will happen once or twice a raid) but when the tank is gone for that time, well dont need 2 explain what happends then XD