Title says all ^^
Nanor Well-Known Member 24 Jan 2006 #1 Title says all ^^
KillCrazy Active Member 24 Jan 2006 #4 Hmm I don't think I'm happy about the improved anti air missiles....the chopper is a great asset to our team!
Hmm I don't think I'm happy about the improved anti air missiles....the chopper is a great asset to our team!
Nanor Well-Known Member 24 Jan 2006 #5 KillCrazy said: Hmm I don't think I'm happy about the improved anti air missiles....the chopper is a great asset to our team! Click to expand... and to the other team
KillCrazy said: Hmm I don't think I'm happy about the improved anti air missiles....the chopper is a great asset to our team! Click to expand... and to the other team
Pubic_Warrior In Cryo Sleep 24 Jan 2006 #6 nice remix of the battlefield tune lol patch looks good to
DocBot Administrator Staff member 24 Jan 2006 #7 I think it's brilliant, air assets are way overpowered as it is... btw the end tune is the swedish national anthem played in minor - my guess is it's one of the "lose" tunes in euro forces
I think it's brilliant, air assets are way overpowered as it is... btw the end tune is the swedish national anthem played in minor - my guess is it's one of the "lose" tunes in euro forces