Where art thou?


Well-Known Member
I made a frappr so we can see where everyone else is!

So sign up, only takes a few seconds, and show the rest of the world were you are! :)


In Cryo Sleep
Cool, i'm on. I'll add Serenity as well once i figure out where in Germany it is in the first place. (there's multiple Frankfurts and valuehosting is down..)


In Cryo Sleep
Double post!? What a loser :p.

The chat in that program is very annoying when you're trying to zoom in, it hops all over the place!


Junior Administrator
unlke many of u living in places where there is other ppl near u,i live in the mddle of no where thus have no problem of being covered up. although it is quite depressing seeing that i really do live no where anyone. ahhhh well never mind.


Active Member
Uhh that generally happens at that altitude for people who live in or around the same city. Try zooming in more.


In Cryo Sleep
ADD ME RIGHT NOW!!!!. No seriously, there is only 2 Irish people and you only add yourself. I'm very dissapointed! Us Irish must stick together! SO kindly addd me please :mad:


You have to add yourself Decky, If Nanor know where you lived I would be scared.

KC: I was only joking anyway :p.