Which Shaman to be??


In Cryo Sleep
Hi all,

I have a warlock (near approaching lvl70) but i thought I need a break, so i have started on a new Shaman. The thing is i am not sure which build to use could anyone please shed some light on this?

I don't want to particular be a healer but i know healing is important, and i just want to attack and destroy my apponet fast

so what do you guys think i should be focuseing on?



The only build that makes much sense while levelling is enhancement. Check the shaman forums for good builds, as the enhancement talent tree is full of useless stuff. This should take you to 40th level, at that point you can think about taking some resto talents. Elemental only becomes viable as a levelling spec once you hit outland really - due to lack of spell dmg gear. I levelled as enchancement to 50 - it was easy and quite fun and you get to 2 shot mages:) After that I foolishly specced resto and stayed that way pretty much to 70 - but it meant I had decent healing gear and knew what I was doing as a healer when I got to 70.

Enhancement really starts to shine once you get dual wield btw - so bear with it until that point, as it can be quite slow to level compared to a lock or hunter.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I enjoyed enhancement too! If you get a good hard hitting weapon, like a two handed axe and use winfury on it, you will do so much damage if it procs! I one shotted a level 65 when I was level 65 when my windfury procced for over 3000 damage! :D


In Cryo Sleep
I have a 70 Enhancement shammie on another server.

Shaman is awesome! I find enhancement so much fun! Mine is equiped with one dagger and one fist weapon (both with fiery) and he rocks my little world!

Ive tried Resto and it bored me :/ but i havnt tried elemental yet, will do at some stage tho.

Im my experience tho, enhancement is sooo much fun! Enjoy your shamanisticthrills mate!


Well-Known Member
Heh, elemental rocks. If you crit you're gonna put your enemy in a world of pain. I can almost match mage DPS! :)