Wiicade.com: Wii or not!



Well, if you have a Wii, you should know about Wiicade. Play (specially designed) flash games on the Internet Channel with the Wiimote. Great fun!

Don't have a Wii? Boo hoo. They are flash games. On a web page. See where I'm going with this? No? You're on the web now... And probably have a flash plugin... Still don't get it? Then get off the internet!

Either way, Tactical Assassin and Bunker are my favourites at the moment :)

Most enjoyable! So enjoy!


Well-Known Member
These games are great! :D! Though the spelling in the two games you mentioned are terrible. "Congradulations, the F.M.G militia's progress is at a hault". Rep regardless! :p

EDIT: Spread more rep :(