Wiki png thumbnails


In Cryo Sleep
I'm getting an error from mediawiki when I upload a png from Minecraft overviewer into it:

Error creating thumbnail: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `/var/www/' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
convert: missing an image filename `/var/www/' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2949.

Maybe libpng is needed??

Any ideas?


Staff member
imagemagick was not compiled with png support, I've rebuilt it. Let me know if that helps.


In Cryo Sleep
Just noticed some dead processes (couple of shells and the convert program) x 10 or so, running on prom at the moment. might be worth doing a killall on them? doing a ps aux shows them up fairly obviously. Theyve got "Tectonicus.jpg" in one of the lines


Junior Administrator
Might have been the errors I was getting when uploading the wiki jpg.


Junior Administrator
Aye, as per what happened my end I went to upload, my upload rate spiked but roughly 2-3 seconds after it would drop back down to background levels. At which point both Firefox and Chrome would just get stuck at loading with, seemingly, no upload being used. Having a brief look there are potentially similar errors discussed here.