Windows Installer problem (XP Pro)



Right, sorry for the cry for help, but this is just getting on my nerves now...

I have a .msi file (windows install package type thing) which is full of source code to hopefully fix a coding problem I'm having. Anyway. The MSI file, everytime I try to install it, says "The Sys Admin has policies to prevent this file from installing". Now, searching the old intraweb I've found 3 basic problems it might be:

  • There is a rogue value in the registry under one of the four installer policies keys that has a key of "DisableMSI" that is set to 1 or 2, or that the installer thinks this MSI file is already installed due to another key of the file name somewhere in the registry.
  • The group permissions say that the Windows Installer won't install it.
  • My user account isn't a sys admin account.

Now, these are quite easily checked, so I have, but nothing has seemed out of the ordinary in any of those areas. I've also checked the services through Control Panel to ensure that the Windows Installer can start properly (which is does). I've redownloaded the file, and still it doesn't work. I've searched the web, and still no idea.

So, if anyone has any suggestions, please, feel free to share. I've been sat trying to install this 900k file for a good 4 hours now, and I'm getting bored :(

Edit - forgot to say I've also tried installing it under the main admin account too. Still no joy.


In Cryo Sleep
I can only suggest throwing your PC out of the nearest window. Hopefully you will crush something sweet and adorable (like a puppy) which will release a great amount of sadistic satisfaction and solve all of your stress related problems.


Hope this helps.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The simplest solution might be to send someone else the MSI file, have them install it, then send you the contents...?

I'll do it if you wish.


Junior Administrator
MSI is great when it works, and a **** when it doesn't. Really. You should update your copy of the Windows Installer; msisetup.exe is the name of the file you seek, if I remember correctly, although I would advise further research. Beyond that, it could be a random Windows issue???


Ronin, you may be right there. Anyone who wants to try downloading and installing the MSI file, it is available from this, and I need the file that is under the "Koders IDE Plug-in Downloads and Instructions" heading, for Visual Studio.NET 2003, version 0.9 Beta 2!

Cheers to whoever gets it. I had to download it through my uni servers though (as my download kept freezing, which could be the problem thinking of it, but then why did it work through my uni connection? o_O).

And DeZy, might have to try updating it as you say!

Cheers all.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Files in your email (the one you used to sign up here). Let me know if RAR format is a problem.


Cheers Ronin! When I get the email, you get some lovely rep :D

And rar is fine (actually, it's preferred!), so thanks :)