[Tech] Windows Log Scam


Active Member
This is on XP, but i had this scam call me today, got as far as windows+R before i stopped cooperating. The worrying thing is that they called back 3 times after i hung up during a department transfer without being rude to them.



In Cryo Sleep
Think a similar one tried phoning my mum and her neighbour.

My mum asked "Which computer?" and they couldnt tell. her neighbour doesnt even have a computer.....

Wonder what they would do if you say "I'm running linux...." :p


Active Member
I stayed on the phone for 18 minutes :)
I wrote this earlier, but did not post because i had not verified some things at the time:

So 20 min ago i got a call from a nice foreign [now i know what Nigerians sound like i guess] man asking claiming to be from microsoft's support department, and he claimed to have knowledge of a virus or malware downloaded onto my 'genuine' windows computer, [sounds suspicious?] so he guided me, through to the computer management window; Event Viewer; Windows Logs, Application/system.

They then show you how to filter for as they put it "red circle errors and yellow triangle warnings" and ask you how many you see, well the first one i saw 70, the end 700. [This is a very clever way to make an ordinary situation look bleak.] He then asked about my computer security, to which i lied about having non. He then directed me to press Windows+R and type "iexplore support.me". This takes you to a log screen to allow a technician to take over your computer. [dont know how legit that is or how they could take advantage of it] I then told him that the browsers had reported a lack of internet connection, spouted some bullshit about not having access while my imaginary flatmate is out. After a some more nonsense [During which i said i was going out] he transferred me to their "tech" department to get my internet fixed, i hung up in the transfer.

Since, in the last 5min while typing this the phone has rang 3 times :S

So, a quick google of what i was asked to type into run completely gives the game away.


New Member
Oh my, you could have some fun with these people.
Give them my number! I have an old, barely working PC somewhere... I could easily get it up and working and put some hardcore porn image as a desktop on there. Then have them connect and confirm they can see it OK... oh the cheap laughs!

BTW, I have a new game I play with cold-call marketers that can easily be adapted to any scammer... see how long you can keep them on hold. My record so far is around 9 and a half minutes.
It went a bit like this...
*ring".. (hmmm i don't recognise that number, who is is?)
Me: "hello"
Them: "we want to sell you crap" (I'm paraphrasing)
Me: "Oh, yeah, funnily enough I'm looking into that, hang on one moment will you".. mute mic/hold/whatever for about 30 seconds
Me: "Sorry, yes" (this is important, you must say yes) "... I'll be with you in one second, I just need to finish this"
Them: "OK"
(wait 30 seconds, no more)
Me: "Right, yes, sorry...." (let them start to speak then interrupt) "hold on, hold on... ahhhhh... sorry, one second please" (here's where it really kicks off.. pretend something has happened but you really need to talk to these people, the event itself need never be explained - e.g. 'oh no, I've... gah!' or 'oops, oh no!')
Me: "Gah, I'm sorry, I'll be right with you" (be nice)
Them: "That's OK"
(wait for a minute or two)
Me: (flustered) "hello, yes, sorry, it's just.. oh! Er, yes, you've caught me at a good and bad time.. (distracted) one second" (back on hold)
(wait 30 seconds)
Me: (flustered and distracted) "Sorry, I've got a problem here, I'll be back with you as soon as (mumble a bit)"
(wait 2-3 minutes)
Me: "Hello?"
Them: "Hello.."
Me: "Oh look, sorry, I'll be right with you..."
(wait 2-3 minutes)
Repeat last 4 stages - increasing time on hold if you wish - until they get fed up and hang up, at which point, obviously, the game is over.

For added giggles, mute microphone and listen in to them chatting to other office staff as to whether they should hang up or not. They are trained not to hang up on any possible lead so use positive words and phrases, especially early on.


New Member
ITT: people who don't put the phone down as soon as someone mentions your PC.

What is wrong with you?
Would you let someone into your house if they claimed the same thing?