World War 2 On-line


I considered buying this game about a year ago, but decided not to go ahead. This was for several reasons.

a) There are bots in the game, these mainly being defensive batteries.

b) Maximum of 128 players can be in vicinity around you at any one time, meaning in big battles there was reports of being shot from 'invisible enemies'.

c) Graphics very poor. This game is based on a very old engine.

d) very mixed reviews, has been available in the states for a few years now and was released in UK late last year. One of the main critisisms is you can spend hours driving or walking before seeing any action.

I think the idea is just a bit too ambitious. It would perhaps appeal to people who have 10 hours a day spare to get somewhere in this game - but then again would the satisfaction gained be worth the time and effort put in?

I am always suspicious of these MMO games because

a) graphic wise there are never great
b) they take over your life if you want to do well in the game
c) costs money every month

I think the idea introduced in BF2 where your rank/experience are kept by the main server is a better idea. Means you know the effort you put in is being recognised and rewarded and at the same time you always get online gaming excitement.