worst job in the world

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Junior Administrator
from thatbird (sorry i am on his computer!!)
right im 22 and started working at dominos when i was 17 and just starting college..

well i moved to southampton at 19 and stayed at dominos in the holidays. In this time one night a guy decided he hated the noise (he lived in a flat above the shop) and put a metal bar though the staff door window that hit my mate so i hit the panik alarm and all ended well..

so i got a job at my local dominos here in scummers land and thought, hey its a crap job but the pay is good so y not.

Then last night (Friday) a guy gets pissed off at the shop. Now this is very normal in our place coz we deal with alot of drunk people and they dont like waiting!! so this guy starts to shout and get angry at my co-worker and swears at her and she dosnet react well and tells him to shut up and walks off. He didnt seem to react to this but later on when my boss tried to calm him down he started to get more angry and demand his money or his pizzas even tho he had been waiting about 6 mins and his pizzas were in the oven.

So he got more and more irate and eventualy decided he wanted to knock my bosses block off. A huge fight errupted when the guy forced his way past the staff gate and layed into my boss. The drivers pilled in and the lady manager who was also there got caught in the middel. Glass went flying and cut a member of staff and it took 5 people to get the guy out of the shop. Meanwhile i was briking at telling my boss to hit the alarm but she cudnt find it!! Thank god some one had called the cops and they were on there way. The guy kiked the window and ran away leaving us all shaking.

now all of this would be fine (well not fine but its the job) if... they had got CCTV in the shop.. but no its too much money and the managers dont think they need it even tho its the most unprotected place i have ever worked in...and.. i found out about an hour after when i was asked to help out at another store, That the panic alarms had been disconected!!!!

no im not being funni and i know its a crappy dominos place but i deal with angry people at night and i need some protection!!

This is appuling of the managment and i am contemplating leaving my job for a place where i dont fear for my saftey!! Am i wrong to want this!?

Fuzzy Bunny

Sounds like you're working in a relatively unfriendly neighborhood. I had no idea working in a fast food restaurant could be dangerous. If you are going to leave your job, make sure you have a new one lined up. You can never be sure how long it will take to get a new job.


In Cryo Sleep
We;;, people at seaside towns on spring break will get get agressive but it isnt on and protection should be better


In Cryo Sleep
I thought dominos was focussed on delivery, so in that light it makes sense they don't have CCTV. Then again if a lot of people come get their pizzas in person, it should be protected like any other store, dominos should make an effort to protect their employees. The panic alarms being disconnected, i'm not a lawyer but that sounds downright criminal to me.

Problem is there's not much you can do about it if you work there as just another employee. Maybe i'm a pessimist but it'll be easier for them to fire a troublemaker than to do something about the problem.

Hope you're not too upset by this, you're certainly not wrong if you want to find somewhere else to work. Good luck finding a better job!


Active Member
Pestcontrol said:
Maybe i'm a pessimist but it'll be easier for them to fire a troublemaker than to do something about the problem.

It won't be easier if they get sued for wrongful dismissal, which would certainly be possible if they fired someone for complaining about the panic buttons being disconnected. It probably wouldn't even get to court as they wouldn't want the publicity.

Thatbird, you are definitely not wrong for wanting to be safe at work. That's the whole point of panic buttons (and a major reason for CCTV) in the first place. You could try refusing to work Friday nights until the panic button is fixed. If that doesn't work, find yourself another job and quit. I would still recommend being polite about it though. By all means make it clear why you're leaving, but the benefits (satisfaction) of telling someone to "shove the job up their arse", won't compensate for the potential downsides.

At the end of the day though, employers are primarily going to be looking out for themselves, and many have little or no regard for their staff (especially in that type of job). As a result, you need to look out for your own interests, as your employer probably won't.



Junior Administrator
ooooooo i used to work there... my first ever shift as a supervisor required the police to be called... but that was in another wtore with cctv and panic buttons that worked. I used to work at this store till a few months ago too. If i was there I would have tore into the boss like you wouldn't believe... I really would. I have half a mind to do it anyway!


In Cryo Sleep
Wraith, that's easier said than done, and what's wrongful dismissal depends also on the terms of the job. For this sort of thing it's best to be in a union, or have some form of legal support insurance. I have some family working in this area of the legal business, it's easy to see what justice is, but it doesn't always happen. Big multinationals with lots of low level employees such as Dominos are masters at getting court cases decided in their favour.


Active Member
Pestcontrol said:
Wraith, that's easier said than done, and what's wrongful dismissal depends also on the terms of the job. For this sort of thing it's best to be in a union, or have some form of legal support insurance. I have some family working in this area of the legal business, it's easy to see what justice is, but it doesn't always happen. Big multinationals with lots of low level employees such as Dominos are masters at getting court cases decided in their favour.

Probably true, but quite often when dealing with the lower echelons of management (like the one Thatbird is likely to be dealing with), the mere threat of legal action can be very effective, especially if you prepare well and start quoting legal definitions, precedents and case law.

Also, if someone actually got seriously hurt in one of these situations and it got taken to court, the bad publicity would be harmful to the company, no matter what the judgement was.

Even so, this is probably going to stay theoretical, as the simplest solution is, as previously said, to look for a new job with a more safety conscious management.



In Cryo Sleep
For a small, privately owned pizzeria this would be true, but a multinational like Dominos can be expected to be very well organised at this point, there will be policies on how the lower management should respond to this and there will be support from specialist legal staff. You don't scare them.

Also uttering legal threats yourself is not a smart thing to do, always communicate via your attourney, or you may not be taken seriously.

If the the events really had turned bad, and Dominos takes all the wrong actions, it could do a lot of PR damage. There's much less potential for that as it is now. You don't phone up a newspaper and have a public rage towards Dominos the next day.

On the bright side, this is an experience you learn from, be glad you learn this now, and not when you're 40. :)


I would say your quite entitled to go find another job, you shouldn't have to put up with that. Stuff like that happends all the time in Glasgow it's common place here :P.


Active Member
Funny you should post this today. During work today (at McDonald's by the way), a fight nearly errupted between two customers. All I could hear was shouting back in the kitchen and I looked over from the tills to see two guys growling at each other. It took the calm words of one of our managers to resolve the situation, but yeah, any kind of nutter can come in and start trouble.


In Cryo Sleep

refering to post title....

5). Chicken Gutter
4). Nameless Mercenary Badguy
(Be it jurassic park to star wars, these poor cronies always die prementurely)
3). Death
2). Author of the Dictionary
(Somebody must of wrote it)
1). EA Bug Tester
(Job For life)

Back to the protection at work thingy, Yes you should protect yourself, make sure you have a party with atleast 1 lvl 5 cleric in it and a lvl 10 warmachine to stare out the chavs

Jobs you may enjoy

Dinosaur Hunter
(See exotic locations, requires large guns, degree in running away very fast, must not be tasty to large reptiles)
Equpment - http://www.zestuff.com/product.php?productid=87&cat=4&page=1

Non Playable Character
(Meet interesting people, give them annoying hints on how they can fulfill their quest. Must be wall resistant.)
Equipment - http://www.zestuff.com/product.php?productid=53&cat=11&page=1

Rofl Copter Pilot
(must be an MSN fun typer lvl 8, familiarity with H4><><0r Magic Missiles required)
Equipment - http://www.cafepress.com/japfoneez.41189212

(Invent dangerous new ways of amusing yourself)
Equipment - http://www.omgclothing.com/product/393/Slinky_+_Escalator_=_Infinite_Fun

And Finally
HFA (Hooker for aliens)
(Be couragous yet dumb, be vulnerable behind and above, be the mother/father of a beutiful alien thing, cesarian births not optional, must require large throat)
Equipment - http://www.zestuff.com/product.php?productid=31&cat=6&page=1


In Cryo Sleep
ur sick and twio#sted get out my therad

*kiks gizmo off thread**and shuts the door*


Active Member
Pestcontrol said:
For a small, privately owned pizzeria this would be true, but a multinational like Dominos can be expected to be very well organised at this point, there will be policies on how the lower management should respond to this and there will be support from specialist legal staff. You don't scare them.

Maybe so, but they will also have strict disciplinary procedures detailing exactly how to go about firing an employee, and I'm sure it doesn't include a situation like:
Employee: The panic button is disconnected and I don't feel safe because of it. Please could you ask head office to get it fixed?
Manager: How dare you complain, you're fired.
That's what you seemed to be implying with your comment about being easier to fire a troublemaker than correct the problem, and if the above situation happened, they would be hard pressed to find an effective legal argument to support the dismissal. that's what I was trying to get at

Pestcontrol said:
Also uttering legal threats yourself is not a smart thing to do, always communicate via your attourney, or you may not be taken seriously.

True, but I wasn't meaning that threats should be thrown around generally. If it got serious, of course it should be handled by an attorney. All I was saying was that if the example above actually happened, the employee could respond with a comment along the lines of "complaining about a health and safety problem is not an acceptable reason for instant dismissal, and may give me a case for wrongful dismissal". It's not so much a threat as giving the manager a chance to take back what he/she said and blame it on a momentary lapse of judgement. Kind of like saying "are you sure you want to do that?"

Pestcontrol said:
If the the events really had turned bad, and Dominos takes all the wrong actions, it could do a lot of PR damage. There's much less potential for that as it is now. You don't phone up a newspaper and have a public rage towards Dominos the next day.

On the bright side, this is an experience you learn from, be glad you learn this now, and not when you're 40. :)

Also true, but I did say that the bad publicity could occur "if someone got seriously hurt"

I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, it's just that I think you may have misinterpreted my earlier post.


Gizmo-5 said:
2). Author of the Dictionary
(Somebody must of wrote it)
That somebody was Dr Samuel Johnstone ;)


In Cryo Sleep
I don't think there's any misinterpretation beyond the legal threats bit, just disagreement stemming from an alltogether more pessimistic view on my side.

Of course firing someone doesn't go the way you quoted it, but in organisations with a strong hiearchy it's easy to label someone from the workfloor as complaining or troublemaking. A troublemaking employee employee and a poorly functioning one aren't much different to a (poor) manager, and the latter can be fired. Then it's your job to disprove it.


In Cryo Sleep
ok to clear thing up a bit....

i have worked in this company a long time and we all get on so it would never come to legal proceadings but if i did complain and stated that although i know people press it when they are not supposed to, it might be better to have it because of the saftey issues. I know they will palm me off with some excusee about money or the staff being silly but its still a point that i am going to make to my boss on monday. I think concers are diffrent than statements or demands so i think they can be handeld less profesionaly.

which to be honest is genrally the way a company like this is run


Junior Administrator
Ever been in Greggs at lunchtimes? I'd prefer a 6ft thick lead wall between myself and some of the customers that come in... luckily I've not experienced much of what has been spoken about in this thread, though once someone came into our store and accused our assistant manager of stealing a fiver from them, however when he went to great lengths to print off the day's takings (no small feat) it showed that the tills were down for the day, so it was highly unlikely that the customer had not been given their fiver, etc etc and it got to the stage where said customer was making threats etc, at which point the manager intervened and told them to get out of the shop. I was certainly glad I wasn't serving - I was flinching in the back room as I heard the argument. Not pleasant.
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