[WoW - 28 Mar 09] Saturday Night Raiding


Junior Administrator
This is the discussion thread for the Saturday Night Raiding.

If you have any comments about the raid then use this thread.

If you are having trouble with any of the signups, please post in here.

Remember, ALL WoW raiders should be signing up, even if it is just to say no.


In Cryo Sleep
My signup are not working, I get stuck at the "loading armoury info".
Anyway... Bass will be available to heal saturday evening ^^


Junior Administrator
My signup are not working, I get stuck at the "loading armoury info".
Anyway... Bass will be available to heal saturday evening ^^

That means its worked :p

It takes some time to find your character info from the armory, it's all good, you are on the list :D


In Cryo Sleep
Because it all went very fast on TS, could we hear the reason for calling it off at KT tonight again?