[WoW] A Saturday Evening's Raid


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Yes, it's the Saturday raid.

As usual, dependent on what happens on the Friday. You wouldn't want me to give the whole game away, now, would you? ;)

However, those shiny twenty-fives are always a distinct possibility. So, if you're available, make sure to sign up. :)


P.S. Posted times are for your timezone. If you need each other's help with enchants, gems, craftings, prosthetics or a new paint job, please show up thirty to sixty minutes in advance, so as to not unduly delay the raid. Thank you.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Usually, right now, these are Karas. The only time they won't be Karas is if we end up failing to get our 25 people for Friday (which is looking less and less likely, but is still possible), and end up doing Kara on Friday, instead.

Even then, it might be that we end up not finishing said Kara run (or one or both of two concurrent Kara runs, which has happened a couple of times in the recent past), and the Saturday raid ends up being a completion of that.

For this week, though, think Karazhan. :)



Junior Administrator
Just so people know:

We had 2 Kara groups going, one finished nice and early and as far as I understand it managed a full clear.

Group 2 just finished now. Group 2 downed all except nightbane and netherspite. (they were being little bitches).

Also thanks to Maxemus/Coy and Sylasius of Aftermath who stepped in to fill empty places at the start and also on prince.


Active Member
It was very awesome indeed, although we had to wait for >hour to see if people who signed will really come (they didn't). We had fun, I dare say, and for even our group 2 to down almost everything, that is very promising :)