WoW Account Hacked.


In Cryo Sleep
I bet when you saw that you weren't expecting this hilarious gem of a video, now were you?...No?...Incredible! :P

Also, the game.


New Member
Wow Tbone:eek: your account got hacked and you even filmed it so that we could laugh over your agony. Now that is called a teamplayer people:D

Btw get your ass back online!


Well-Known Member
The title conjoined with your name nearly had me shitting myself. You're a bad, bad man.

I love you, come back to us soon!


In Cryo Sleep
Haha misleading titles ftw. People speak the truth, you are greatly missed, but I hope you are enjoying your time away :)

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
FU Bone.

I shat numerous amounts of brix then. As in, I could build a house with all of it.


A brick shithouse.



Well-Known Member
God damn, man, I saw the thread title, with you as latest reply, and didn't remember from before, so I panicked again! *facepalms* Need more tea...