WoW armoury links


New Member
Hey Admins,

I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out (must have by now but can't see anything so feel free to call me names if I have missed it)...

In the WoW section users can list their characters which are in turn linked to the armoury site. The URL for the WoW armoury has now changed and so these links no longer work as intended.
Is someone able to press the necessary buttons that will link to the correct page?
For example, the old link to my character sheet was "" but now it is ""

Again, apologies of you are aware of this.



Staff member
You're the first to bring it up as far as I can tell... I'll see if there's an update for the plugin.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No, not aware. Thanks for the report.

Should now be fixed.

Unfortunately it looks like the original mod developer has lost interest in maintaining all the various WoW mods he created so we're down to manually hacking in the right changes. This may prove troublesome but we'll see how we do.