[WoW] Friday Night Raiding


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)

Right, folks, this past week, we again successfully put together two Kara groups, leading me to believe that we may well be on the verge of being able to get to Gruul.

So, do sign up if you're available.

Again, priority is for Gruul if we have the 25 peeps, or the doulbe Kara if we fall short at 20, or even the sigle Kara if we fall short *of* 20.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I are removezorz the Nanor.

Because I can.


I are drunkzorz with powerzorz.

Passing out, now... ;)



In Cryo Sleep
*Sigh* I changed my note, without changing status and it bumped me to the bottom of the list. For the record I was the first to sign up as yes.

I won't do that again....

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I changed my note, without changing status and it bumped me to the bottom of the list.

The next version of this Event Attendance module stops that irritating "feature" occurring. Unfortunately, we can't integrate that yet because the Event Forums feature hasn't yet been upgraded...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

In other news:

17 yesses and 3 maybes as of this posting. Yeay us! :)

Good luck tomorrow, guys. Wish I were going as well.

I'll tell you all about what I've been doing when I get back, on Saturday.



In Cryo Sleep
I am less than 20 badges away from a shiny 103dps Mutilate OH. Let us hope this couple of days nets me such a nice baby. Then it's time to be patient and clear Kara 4 to 5 times for another MH if Season 3 dagger takes too long to come by. :)


Well-Known Member
OK, as it stands we do not have enough tanks or healers signed up for Gruul. In fact, as it stands, I'm the only main spec healer signed up at the moment, with both Zooggy and Belegon signed off.

To get two KZ runs going, we're going to need a minimum of 3, preferably 4 more healers, whether that be alts or respecced mains.

Tellna is a resto shammie, and not signed up as yea or nay at the moment.

Does anyone know when Vonya/AcidK is back?

Who is magosreborn in-game?

Tank-wise, we have Birdy, Tuldur and Zeej, with Kershan able to OT in Kara with his imba gear, so that's covered. And more than enough DPS signed up to rip that place apart.


In Cryo Sleep
A good friend of mine is a t6 resto shammie, who volunteered to help if he manages to be online, and I've seen that freak healing of his in action! ;)


Junior Administrator
I reckon we have enough for a go at Gruul's here assuming that we can get some more healers in...


Well-Known Member
Sorry Q-man, I think we're missing too many key people. At our level of gear, you need four tanks, and probably seven healers to get past Maulgar. Five tanks (one of which can be DPSer with shield) and again, six or seven healers for Magtheridon.

Let's get Kara cleared, that's 22 badges each towards some really nice kit that will improve our progress.


In Cryo Sleep

I wana take the new radiers through kara and zeejin needs some sexy kit so i have a list of people who I wana see get into kara tonight


In Cryo Sleep
As stated before in chat, getting 2pc T4 and the badges is my top priority at the moment, so I'm up for whatever content you deem as necessary. Progression isn't made of drops alone, but some of them are indeed key to better performance. :P