[WoW] Friday Night Raiding


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

It's that time of the week, again.

Unless things go bananas, the plan is Gruul, then Maggy.

We'll leave the Kara farming runs for Saturday and Sunday, ey? ;)

Of course, it might not happen that way, so be prepared for the possibility of doing two Kara runs instead, or even one Kara and one ZA.


P.S. Do note that the event is scheduled for 8PM server time. However, I do hope the forums will translate for your own time zone.


In Cryo Sleep
A mage names Snitz will be attending this raid as a trial before he enters the guild. So save one spot for him in the raid please, so long as its Kara that is.


In Cryo Sleep
I shall arrive slightly late tomorrow, since I have some professional engagements that will require me to be a bit further away from home than usual. Do save a spot for the badge whore, please! :p


im in guys! still dont know how to post like everyone else... i just have to be difrent i guess..