Tis a terrible state of affairs, Bank Alts going bust and being bought out by Higher level banking characters. Inflation rife due to underhand tactics, imminent expansions and an uncertainty of the economic future.
In these trying financial times can you out bank the competition ?
The What:
This is a competition to run for one week starting this Saturday mid day, the aim is to finish with more gold than the competition.
The How:
Players must start with a level 1 character, they will be given 10 gold and a week to turn that gold into as much money as they possibly can.
The Incentive:
The winning character gets ALL the money made by all characters during the competition.
In these trying financial times can you out bank the competition ?
The What:
This is a competition to run for one week starting this Saturday mid day, the aim is to finish with more gold than the competition.
The How:
Players must start with a level 1 character, they will be given 10 gold and a week to turn that gold into as much money as they possibly can.
The Incentive:
The winning character gets ALL the money made by all characters during the competition.
- One character per person
- Characters must start and finish on 0XP
- Screenshots of the characters bags will decide the winner
- 10 gold entrance fee to be handed to a named character prior to the event starting and then given out to your bank character
- Money may only be made using the trade channel and the auction house i.e. no begging or donations allowed - anyone caught cheating automatically forfeits.
- Other characters/players may not interfere in the game in any way i.e. no deliberate manipulation of the AH or Trade to help competitors
- Check Point screenshots will be taken on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as close to 6pm as possible. These will be made public and will allow everyone to see how they are doing compared to the competition.
- All and any addons that you deem fit are allowed.
- Only THN members welcome i.e. only those we trust to keep things fair.