Wow Quiz! Looky here!

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In Cryo Sleep
Someone will probaly get angry on me for posting in your forums, but i like you guys so i cant stop watching and writing here :eek:

Well, i figured i'd make a WoW quiz!


They are about different things, so there should be something for everyone.

(Sorry for my bad english :p )

1. Which class has Feign Death?
2. What is the name of the Orc who leads the horde?
3. Which classes in WoW can use guns?
4. What's the Ashbringer?
5. In which patch did the honor system change to the system we have now?
6. The Best guild in world of warcraft when it comes to in-game progress ( Instances etc. )
7. The Hordes major cities?
8. The leader of the Sha'tar?
9. In alterac valley, who was there first? Vanndar Or Drek?
10. Who's Akama?
11. What's the blue child?
12. What's the name of Illidans Brother?
13. Which was the last class to be added to WoW?
14. Who's Frank Pearce?
15. Why does some people have the title ''Champion of the naaru'' ?
16. Which instance comes after Karazhan when it comes to difficulty?
17. What means CC?
18. Which Three Classes can be considered as Tanks? (With the right spec)
19. What's the name of the next WoW expansion?
20. And Who will be the final boss in that expansion? (It's belived, atleast)

The End :O The first one who posts the right answers Get's a big Cookie!


Junior Administrator
I can only get about half of those so i'm not going to answer.

Also, no-one will moan at you for posting in our forums :P


Well-Known Member
1. Hunter
2. Thrall
3. Hunter, Warrior, Rogue
4. Legendary sword of the former Highlord Morgraine, now a falled Death Knight who is part of the Four Horsemen encounter in Naxxramas
5. 2.0.1
6. Nihilium
7. Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City
8. A'dal
9. Drek'thar. Blood encroaching dwarves...
10. Leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, Broken/Lost One Draenei that serve Illidan (although Akama is plotting to aid adventurers to overthrow Illidan)
11. The second moon of Azeroth (the other being the Pale Lady)
12. Malfurion Stormrage
13. Hunter (it was added practically just before the end of the beta...)
14. Eek... um... one of the people who founded Blizzard (originally called Silicon & Synapse when first created)... if that's right, then he's one of the people who still leads
15. Champion of the Naaru is the title you obtain for completing the old attunements for The Eye and Serpentshrine Caverns; the attunemens aren't needed, so you get a shiny title instead (although if you ding 71 or higher you can no longer complete the attunement quests to get the title)
16. Gruul's Lair
17. Crowd Control or Corpse Camping, depending on situation
18. Paladin, Druid, Warrior
19. Wrath of the Lich King
20. Arthas Menethil, aka The Lich King (if they do what they did with Outland, he won't be accessible in the initial release, but patched in later like Illidan was)

There... that's all of the top of my head in the space of a couple of minutes... yes, I am a Warcraft nerd :P


Junior Administrator
1. Hunter
2. Thrall
3. Hunter, Warrior, Rogue
4. Legendary sword of the former Highlord Morgraine, now a falled Death Knight who is part of the Four Horsemen encounter in Naxxramas
5. 2.0.1
6. Nihilium
7. Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City
8. A'dal
9. Drek'thar. Blood encroaching dwarves...
10. Leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, Broken/Lost One Draenei that serve Illidan (although Akama is plotting to aid adventurers to overthrow Illidan)
11. The second moon of Azeroth (the other being the Pale Lady)
12. Malfurion Stormrage
13. Hunter (it was added practically just before the end of the beta...)
14. Eek... um... one of the people who founded Blizzard (originally called Silicon & Synapse when first created)... if that's right, then he's one of the people who still leads
15. Champion of the Naaru is the title you obtain for completing the old attunements for The Eye and Serpentshrine Caverns; the attunemens aren't needed, so you get a shiny title instead (although if you ding 71 or higher you can no longer complete the attunement quests to get the title)
16. Gruul's Lair
17. Crowd Control or Corpse Camping, depending on situation
18. Paladin, Druid, Warrior
19. Wrath of the Lich King
20. Arthas Menethil, aka The Lich King (if they do what they did with Outland, he won't be accessible in the initial release, but patched in later like Illidan was)

There... that's all of the top of my head in the space of a couple of minutes... yes, I am a Warcraft nerd :P

I was wondering how long it would take for you to come along and answer that lot


In Cryo Sleep
Would you like me to do some more quiz in the future? I mean, just for the fun of it. It can be good, if people answers and learns stuff. If we don't just get Windzarko to answer every question before nobody else get's the chance to think, that is xD

He knows to much X)


1. Hunter
2. Thrall
3. Hunter, Warrior, Rogue
4. Legendary sword of the former Highlord Morgraine, now a falled Death Knight who is part of the Four Horsemen encounter in Naxxramas
5. 2.0.1
6. Nihilium
7. Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Silvermoon City
8. A'dal
9. Drek'thar. Blood encroaching dwarves...
10. Leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, Broken/Lost One Draenei that serve Illidan (although Akama is plotting to aid adventurers to overthrow Illidan)
11. The second moon of Azeroth (the other being the Pale Lady)
12. Malfurion Stormrage
13. Hunter (it was added practically just before the end of the beta...)
14. Eek... um... one of the people who founded Blizzard (originally called Silicon & Synapse when first created)... if that's right, then he's one of the people who still leads
15. Champion of the Naaru is the title you obtain for completing the old attunements for The Eye and Serpentshrine Caverns; the attunemens aren't needed, so you get a shiny title instead (although if you ding 71 or higher you can no longer complete the attunement quests to get the title)
16. Gruul's Lair
17. Crowd Control or Corpse Camping, depending on situation
18. Paladin, Druid, Warrior
19. Wrath of the Lich King
20. Arthas Menethil, aka The Lich King (if they do what they did with Outland, he won't be accessible in the initial release, but patched in later like Illidan was)

There... that's all of the top of my head in the space of a couple of minutes... yes, I am a Warcraft nerd :P

What he said! :D


Well-Known Member
I think Windzarko should set the next quiz with some really obscure stuff that would be a challenge to answer :)


6. The Best guild in world of warcraft when it comes to in-game progress ( Instances etc. )

wouldnt that be a trick question? as every server would have "the best guild" and even then it would be REALLY REALLY close...and some servers might have a guild thats practically the same as another one on another server..or...horde side guild thats the same as a ally side guild


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Usually Gombol it's measured by who got the kills first. E.g. who managed to kill Illidan first.

That's why its Nihilium in EU and Death and Taxes I think in US.


but that means there TWO top wouldnt that still make it a trick question or should i shut up now before i make myself look stupid? :P


Well-Known Member
Nihilium were first by a fair way. That makes them top. Death and Taxes were later. That makes them second. Pretty simple, no?


but making the first kill wouldnt make you the would make you the fastest to get there...i would of thought the "best" would be a combo of time it took to take down


Well-Known Member
They had greater success faster, having started at the same time as each other. Thus they are the best. VERY simple, mate.