[WoW] Raiding on a Sunday Afternoon


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

In summertiiiime...

(Love me some Kinks. :))

Anyway, again, dependent on what happens on Friday and Saturday.

Still, come one, come all, let's frag some bosses!


P.S. Posted times are for your timezone. If you need each other's help with enchants, gems, craftings, prosthetics or a new paint job, please show up thirty to sixty minutes in advance, so as to not unduly delay the raid. Thank you.


Active Member
25s or Karas? Sorry to nag on about this, but if it was 25s I'd have to read extensively beforehand so that I would familiarize myself with the encounters, as I haven't done them before :)


Well-Known Member
It really depends on how many people sign up, Angelic. If we get 25 people (or close to) then great, if not there's always Kara (gief 22 badges!) or ZA to do.

Sundays don't generally get as many people, so will prob be 10-man stuff, Fridays seem to be the best chance of 25-man runs, with Saturdays starting to pick up a bit now aswell.


Junior Administrator
We have people that can explain the encounters anyway too so don't worry about it too much :)