[WoW - RP] Tale Telling Tavern Night


Active Member
*A note pinned to various notice boards/trees. The handwriting is thin, graceful and slanted slightly to the right.*

-Tale Telling Tavern Night at Gallows End in Brill-

To start at the Eighth evening bell on the Second day of the coming week, the 3rd day of this month.

All are welcome, both to listen and to tell their own tales although heckling can not be ruled out.

((Along time ago a chap called Willard organised a tale telling night in Gallows End, much fun was had by all but a follow up never occurred and the chap seemed to vanish. The Ashen Order decided to run a few, because they like good ideas and it was a fine night worth repeating. After a while they stopped due to lack of interest, they're going to try again and see if they can't get some more interest going. If people find the timing difficult let them know and if needs be they'll change the set day but hoping to run one every other week.))