[WoW] Saturday Evening Raiding


Well-Known Member
Sign up here for Saturday's raid. This will most likely be a continuation of Friday's Naxxramas raid(s) with the possibility of Sartharion or Malygos for afters, or Archavon if we have control of Wintergrasp.

Raid invites will start at 6.30pm UK / 7.30pm CET, with the first pull at 7pm / 8pm. The planned finish time is 11pm UK / Midnight CET, although we may continue if things are going well and everyone is happy to carry on. If you need to leave earlier, please say so when you sign up.

If your forum name is not the name of your raiding character, please mention in the signup notes who you intend to raid with.

The intention is to carry on with as many of the original group as possible. Anyone missing the raid last week will get first consideration for any replacement spots, so make sure you sign up.

As always, if you are needing enchants, gems, potions, flasks etc making, please sort this out in good time so as not to unduly delay the raid.

Thanx all



Super Moderator
Staff member
Spec: Shadow
Availability: Available on Saturday(RSVP: Yes)
Note: Was in raid on Friday(Everything up 'til we stopped for the night)<I.E: After we killed ol' Patchy>


New Member
changing my maybe to a YES, since I worked out the connection problems yday, so i'm avaliable for any raid


In Cryo Sleep
My maybe is now a no since im busy from 8pm onwards.
Also sorry about my sudden absence after Patchwork yesterday, my internet went down for 5-6 hours (thanks Sky). Looking forward to raiding next week though :)


New Member
back to a maybe, there's a big risk that I have to leave at 22.00 server time, family stuff i need to take care of.

so feel free to take in another dps instead of me if you want