[WoW] Saturday Evening Raiding


Well-Known Member
Sign up here for Saturday's raid. This will most likely be a continuation of Friday's Naxxramas raid(s) with the possibility of Sartharion or Malygos for afters, or Archavon if we have control of Wintergrasp.

Raid invites will start at 6.30pm UK / 7.30pm CET, with the first pull at 7pm / 8pm. The planned finish time is 11pm UK / Midnight CET, although we may continue if things are going well and everyone is happy to carry on. If you need to leave earlier, please say so when you sign up.

If your forum name is not the name of your raiding character, please mention in the signup notes who you intend to raid with.

The intention is to carry on with as many of the original group as possible. Anyone missing the raid last week will get first consideration for any replacement spots, so make sure you sign up.

As always, if you are needing enchants, gems, potions, flasks etc making, please sort this out in good time so as not to unduly delay the raid.

Thanx all



Junior Administrator
Ok people, based on the state of the signups as of about 2pm this afternoon, I have worked out the following raid group for tonight. This is comprised of as many people from last night as possible and then the gaps are filled in based on the signups:


[Possible Healer 3]

[Masia - if only 2 healers taken]

The raid will be led by Peterson and Titann. I know its Melee heavy but that's what we are stuck with at the moment...

You will notice that there is a problem with healers. Angelic is the only healer signed up as yes, this means that unless we get at least one (ideally two) more healers, there will be no raid group... so if you have alts or know people, please suggest them.

EDIT: Because Skcornnelg cannot make it online for the usual raid start time, the start time will be delayed by 1 hour - so it will start at 8pm uk/9pm server time


Junior Administrator
UPDATE: I am gonna say NOW that the raid start will be delayed until 8pm uk/9pm server time so that the group has a 2nd healer (Skcornnelg).

As it stands there is a fuckton of melee there so I think a 3rd healer would be preferable to having Masia in the group, but it may be that you can do it all anyway even with Masia :)

I've updated my first post accordingly.