[WoW] Saturday Raiding


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's the Saturday raid.

As usual, dependent on what happens on the Friday, it could be Kara, ZA (or both) or a 25-man raid or world boss.

Note: If its' a 10-man raid, then time and people permitting, a second raid group will be formed two hours later. When you sign up, make sure to note if you'd prefer to join that second group.

Posted times are for your timezone. In case your account is not properly configured, that means 7 PM server time.

Posted times are for crossing the raid portal. Please be online and ready for an invite up to 30 minutes beforehand, so as to not unduly delay the raid. If you can't make it but are sure to be available at the posted time, please say so when you sign up.

Also, if you need each other's help with enchants, gems, craftings etc, please show up at least sixty minutes in advance. Better yet, do it the day before. Thank you.


Junior Administrator
We actually managed, for the first time ever, to get a 25-man group together.

So we went into Tempest Keep and Had a few pokes at Al'ar.

Considering that only 3 people in the raid had ever done him before, it went well.

We didn't down him, but got him to 44% health on phase 2. Which is technically 22% :D

We then stopped when we got trash respawns and we went and nuked doomwalker...

Got him first time :D