[WoW] Sunday Afternoon Raiding


Well-Known Member
Sign up here for the continuation of the 10-man Naxxramas raid(s).

If there are two groups running, we will make every effort to ensure that people who can attend on both nights are in the same group, and have a good chance to clear the instance.

If there is only one group running, those who are there on the Saturday night will get priority for the continuation raid on Sunday.

Any questions, please poke me or T-Bone.


In Cryo Sleep
I'd be happy to continue with my resto-druid, and Hubbit would also be happy to continue. Daymar would be happy to continue as dps.


Active Member
I'm certainly coming tonight and I won't be late, as I'm spending the day at home. Please don't replace me today!


Well-Known Member
Important notice! The raid start time has been pushed back to 18:30 server time (17:30 UK time), contrary to what this sign-up says!