It's the habitual Sunday follow-up raid event.
Priorities for this depend on:
- The number of people that sign up
- What the raid ends up being on Friday, and how far it gets
The first priority is to conclude the Friday raid , if needed.
The second priority is Kara farming runs, if we do Gruul on Friday, or a Gruul run, if we do Kara on Friday and can get the 25 people. (This one is quite unlikely.)
The third priority is Zul'Aman, if we get the top geared guild people.
The fourth priority is Kara farming runs for alts.
I hear last week we did ZA, and it went alrighty-ish, which is cool.
Anyway, if you're available and want to do stuff, just sign up already.
P.S. Yes, this is copy-pasted almost verbatim from this past Sunday's event.
It's the habitual Sunday follow-up raid event.
Priorities for this depend on:
- The number of people that sign up
- What the raid ends up being on Friday, and how far it gets
The first priority is to conclude the Friday raid , if needed.
The second priority is Kara farming runs, if we do Gruul on Friday, or a Gruul run, if we do Kara on Friday and can get the 25 people. (This one is quite unlikely.)
The third priority is Zul'Aman, if we get the top geared guild people.
The fourth priority is Kara farming runs for alts.
I hear last week we did ZA, and it went alrighty-ish, which is cool.
Anyway, if you're available and want to do stuff, just sign up already.
P.S. Yes, this is copy-pasted almost verbatim from this past Sunday's event.