[WOW] The Haven officers meeting


In Cryo Sleep
Right round two of banging out the guild setup and jobs and everything else!


In Cryo Sleep
Right I need to say somthing here

There was a big issue with the last meeting that it came over differently to different people.

The problem is finding that happy place between telling people and asking people. The reason myself, Tbone and lithy decided alot of things away from all the other officers is that with 12 people trying to say how they think the guild should work it would end up a mess and nothing would get decided. So by trying to bash out ideas to start with and then bringing them to the table these can be developed to sataisfy the biggest number of people possible

I am sorry If people had problems with this. I want people to suggets stuff and bring in ideas and suggets better ways... this is all exactly how the guild should be! But what I dont like is people comming to the meeting and having a go becasue what is being said is not what they want to talk about. TBH the meetings agenda is completly based on points that come up in disscucion with people. In last weeks case it was simply the outline of te guild. This next meeting will be much more detailed to the big issues in the guild and will focus almost completely on ideas and suggestions from the officers.

Also we will not be meeting in game this time but will meet in a password protected TS channel to disscus things. Those not able to speak can use /o.

The issue with the date and time of the meeting is there because in theory the most people should be online at this stage. Also if people are preping for raids they should be able to spare their ears to listen in.

Maybe we should have a thread for the meetings aggenda for things that need to be spoken about. Would this help?