[WOW] The Haven officers meeting


In Cryo Sleep

This week has been a weird one and lots of issues have come up that the officers have been speaking about so I thought lets have it out once and for all and get them sorted. Dont know when we will be done but as long as u listen in thats kewl!

See u there. Oh and BTW ITS VERY IMPORTANT you all try to be therer!:eek:



In Cryo Sleep

Im sure this wont be the most fun meeting ever but there gets to a point where issues need to be sorted.

If any one wants to bring issues up.. this is your chance.

The outline from what I want to say is

-how to deal with issues

-who to speak to

-what no to do when issues come up

That covers it I think. I dont want to bring any issues up, I just want to set down a way of dealing with them to stop them blowing up.

nuf said! Add anything else you would like to talk about


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I think the above is paramount.

However, if there's time, I would also like to talk about the mid- to long-term raid schedule.
