[WoW] The Weekly Last Chance Naxx Alt Run


In Cryo Sleep
This is a chance to get into Naxx with any character that isnt locked before the raid reset. The purpose is to gear your Alt/Main to aid you, the guild and all of the Horde in visiting future content.

Please keep in mind that this raid will be run by myself or Nerok in the absence of any Guild Officer.

If all people willing to attend could make it online for 1900Hrs UK, with the aim of starting at 1930hrs UK.

This event has been put together with very little notice and therefore a group may not be posted prior to the raid. However an attempt will be made.

Please state in which capacity you would like to raid. (Tank, Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, Floorcow)

Comment from Nerok: 'Break yourself fool!'
Reaction from Adriss: <Sigh>

[mod]Added [WoW] tag. --RS[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
OK...At this moment we have 4 confirmed to attend. Due to this i am unable to define the group. However the group consists of 2 Tanks and 2 dps.


In Cryo Sleep
Wellthis event was a non-starter and tobe honest i wasnt suprised...alittle short notice. I am going to continue this event on a tuesday, in the aid of gearing alts. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to reply to this post.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I'd advise you to create the event for the 10th right away, actually... give folks a chance to plan out their week a bit in advance...

Of course, they won't know how to signup before the weekend, but still, you'd be avoiding the short notice syndrome. :)
