I picked one up last week.
Not overly impressed with the games :/ (especially for £50!!!).
Perfect Dark: Zero, isn't that great
. It looks nice, but the gameplay is lame, sometimes I find I'm not actually enjoying it! Sneaking just doesn't work and all the AI does is run at you, I want to be able to toy with it, just like in Halo
Condemned however, is awesome
. As I said in the Shoutbox last week, I just sat down and played it, and it scared the bejesus out of me. Remember the Cathedral in Thief I? The orphanage in Thief III? It's like that all the time *shudder*, plus the last boss is so satisfyingly gory I killed him twice just to show my mates!
Kong... crashed my 360...
Hexic!!!! W00t! My god this game can be played for hours!!! (If you're not sure what it is, it's the free arcade game on the harddrive).
Anyone tried Xbox Live? I thought my gamerpoints where for purchasing new content, not penis comparisons
. If I've already paid £50 for a game why should I have to pay even more for extra content?!?!?
One last thing, the remote controllers rock! Even though I had to change my undies several times while playing Condemned, the buttons above the triggers are a right pain! I rest my forefinger just above the triggers and when I tense up it pushes down, this wasn't a problem on the old ones, but now it does stuff! The amount of times I set of my taser accidentally
Oh, not having to get up to switch on/off the console is a lazy mans paradise
Testuo I'm on the old Live, go by the name of Piacular