Xbox 360 hard drive transfer cable


In Cryo Sleep
With regards to the shout I made yesterday, you're right, you need an Elite's serial number to request a new cable. I had a look on the xbox forums, though, and there's a few people saying you can call the microsoft customer services and they'll have one sent to you if you explain the situation. You might need to call a couple of times until you get a sympathetic operator, but if nobody here has one then that's the way to go I think.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks Tets. Via a friendly Elite owner who I can give the cable to afterwards, looks like I can get an Elite serial number after all. Cable guaranteed.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It allows you to take a smaller X360 drive (e.g. the 20GB one for the release consoles) and move your data onto a larger drive (e.g. the 120GB one) while maintaining all the appropriate serial numbers or whatever so that your content still works 'cause apparently there's some ID on each disk and just copying stuff across won't work. Apparently.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Move, I believe. Migrate may be a better term. Both hard drives are nuked to make way for a single set of content on the target drive from the source drive.