Well that all depends. Last year was a bit of a financial black hole. I spent over a grand on presents around Christmastime (Ill give you all a second to reclaim your jaws from the floor) and what did I get back off my mates? Sweet FA is what. Bastards. I bought each and every person a birthday and christmas present and not one of them even had the courtesy to say 'Happy Birthday' or 'Merry Christmas' in return. (actually, thats not entirely true. We had a good ol' time at KC's last year on Christmas eve, and we had real russian vodka and all that. Thanks KC, fuck the rest of you) Ungrateful lot that they are. Luckily, a good part of that grand was spent on my bro's X360, which I play all the time anyway.
So, something tells me I'm not going to be quite so generous this year. In fact, I'm going to ask my parents for an MP3 player for Christmas (I insisted on not buying me a present last year as i had a job. What the hell was I thinking?) and probably something juicy for my b-day as well.
Christmas? Bah!