

Well-Known Member
One of the forums I'm part of, Relic News, has a pretty sweet Yearbook. It's open for a year allowing you to change your photo and write things about yourself then that section is closed then a new one opened for that year. You can see what I mean here.

It's pretty cool because your yearbook and forum accounts are one. I'm not sure if it's entirely worthwhile in this case but I think it'd be worthwhile to have a yearbook for THN.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
A quick review of the example tells me that this is "just" a recasting of the same sort of information as held in a user's profile, just with a nice layout. Am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
It's quite similar, yes. However, in a User's profile there are no archives kept, so to speak. I've found it interesting looking back through people's yearbook entries from the past years to see how they've progressed or if they've achieved things they had set out to achieve. This is something not possible at the moment with the user's profile. You get me?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, right, so it'd almost be that you could go back and see my profile from 2005? But presumably not the one from April 2005... just 2005?