yey for the lower case brigade!!


Junior Administrator
I find it intriguing that people seem to always write Bob. I understand that it being a name people like to start it with capitals. I know for a fact that piacular (mwahahaha no capital) enjoys a capital letter at the front of his name and for the most part everyone does. Looking at the users thing at a glance it is only bloke elD and I who don't capitalise our names. Although elD is a strange one having his broken giant D. This doesn't really phase me but lately people also seem to be calling me BoB, which baffles me even further. I've never thought of myself as having a capital b it not being my real name, although I'm called that so rarely these days I may as well be a bob.

I've also noticed over the years that elD and Big D are quite defensive about their capitals and I'm starting to feel that I should start standing up for my lower caseness, hence this rambling post about the might of the lower case letter.

I've no idea what I'm getting at or even why I'm posting this but hey I'm crazy like that.
and for the ECS students out there, I'm not turning into monica schraefel


Junior Administrator
lol bob, Not used so much on here, but i have been known to get quite annoyed with vibroaxe as supposed to VibroAxe.

Vibs/vibs works just the same though


Junior Administrator
That's like me getting annoyed with "Dezmond", "dezmond", "dez", "Dez" or "dEz" (ok the last one is just plain ignorant :p) - I really don't care personally about which is used. I actually prefer that an abbreviation is used by those I know better ie most of THN, hence why I'm often referred to as Dez... fine by me. :)


Active Member
The one that irritates me is people calling me Wrath. Doesn't happen much with THN'ers but I've lost track of the number of random public players that have called me that.

Wrath = anger
Wraith (from wikipedia) = "The wraith is a being of power [snip] They feed on humans, their emotions and their own strength [snip] In European pagan beliefs, the wraith is seen as a spirit of vengeance."

Which of those sounds better to you? :rolleyes:


New Member
I also notice how 'soton' doesn't get a caps in your location, bob, but 'Surrey' does. Intriguing. Could this hold some deep psychological meaning? Or is it just a typo?...


Junior Administrator
Well occasionally people type my name out as "Traxdata" I don't really care to be honest :P I know they mean me, as I am the ONLY TRAXATA! :D search google if you don't beleive me :p


Junior Administrator
I also notice how 'soton' doesn't get a caps in your location, bob, but 'Surrey' does. Intriguing. Could this hold some deep psychological meaning? Or is it just a typo?...

I dunno probably something to do with soton being an abbreviation I guess. Never thought of capitalising it.