Junior Administrator
Developers are asking consumers to help bring awareness to the growing problems in the UK development industry, by signing an online petition targeted at the Prime Minister.
The movement was started by 20 year-old animator Dan Spence, spurred on in part by the recent restructuring of Eidos and the downsizing of its UK operation.
In protest, Spence contacted trade association Tiga, stating: "I see the government is offering tax relief for UK movies but for some reason the games industry has been set aside. I find this so hard to believe considering the strength in output from UK studios."
"We are looking on in horror as flagship UK company Eidos, who created the iconic Lara Croft, is facing problems of competing in a global environment" says the documentation filed with the petition.
"The UK games industry requires tax incentives or some other assistance to maintain a competitive market for global publishers."
Yesterday, UK trade association ELSPA expressed disappointment that the UK government had failed to address the industry in its yearly budget.
To view the petition, click here.
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