Ze Absence


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I been away for about a week, and now I is back.

Nothing major, really, just a nasty, nasty flu that kept me home in bed for six days, and since my gaming station is at work, no WoW while sick for me...

Then again, I could have posted this while I was home, but I didn't think of it... :|

Anyway, just saying, I didn't leave or anything. :)



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Your gaming computer is at work, though? How's that work?

Easy. I'm a freelance software engineer, and my main client has a permanent desk for me, with a work station and a gaming station. I give them 150h per year extra, for the privilege of using their facilities for any other work and/or play I may want to engage in. Most significantly, this includes unlimited access to broadband internet.

Combined with a total absence of any sort of mandatory work schedule, as long as I put in the hours and the work gets done, and the fact that I have my own key to the place, it's sort of a home away from home for me, which is all kinds of cool (except for the wife, sometimes, but as she can use the facilites as well, it works out. :D )

Except when I'm sick. When I'm sick, it sucks, as you so aptly put it. :eek:

The main advantage for them is that, even though they only contracted ~10h a week from me, I'm here all the freaking the time, and they put a premium on high availability.

Yeah, it's a sweet deal. ;)



Junior Administrator
Ahey, :)

Easy. I'm a freelance software engineer, and my main client has a permanent desk for me, with a work station and a gaming station. I give them 150h per year extra, for the privilege of using their facilities for any other work and/or play I may want to engage in. Most significantly, this includes unlimited access to broadband internet.

Combined with a total absence of any sort of mandatory work schedule, as long as I put in the hours and the work gets done, and the fact that I have my own key to the place, it's sort of a home away from home for me, which is all kinds of cool (except for the wife, sometimes, but as she can use the facilites as well, it works out. :D )

Except when I'm sick. When I'm sick, it sucks, as you so aptly put it. :eek:

The main advantage for them is that, even though they only contracted ~10h a week from me, I'm here all the freaking the time, and they put a premium on high availability.

Yeah, it's a sweet deal. ;)


be careful. Ronin will have your job...


Well-Known Member
And people say that jobs in the computing world make people miserable :p

Clearly they know now about people like us, huh?